ADAM SZYNOL: Media convergence in practice

Media convergence or convergence in the media are the terms which seem to be very popular nowadays. On the one hand, they describe changes in the media landscape quite precisely. On the other hand, they determine directions of business strategies which media companies can follow. This is what the media scientists should be focused on. Moreover, convergence in the context of economic crises receives particular meaning. Media convergence in McQuails’ terms gives media tycoons wide range of possibilities of savings at the audience expenses. There are plenty of examples on Polish market how the biggest enterprises use subordinated firms. Thanks to them the same media content may be quite easily and successfully broadcasted/published in different channels of the same owner. Apparently, this mild phenomenon leads to some serious consequences for the competitors and for the readers, listeners and viewers. Among which should we mention smaller competitors failures, establishing monopolistic structures in particular media sectors. The audience, however, is blissfully unaware of that their informational sphere tends to be taken over by just a few entities.


Key words: convergence, media economy, monopolization.