The reception of a film is conditioned by its visual structure, composition, light, colour, emotions that an artist − the director of photography − can record in a picture, using appropriate means of expression. It is often colour, the presence of which we are unaware, that most strongly attracts the viewer and releases dormant sensations from their lethargy by stimulating physiological reactions. Recalling film examples, we can have an insight into the process by which colour forms the holistic experience of the image. Most of all we perceive the form intuitively, and it is the form that significantly affects the emotional reaction resulting from understanding the story − the content. Therefore, in the context of film image perception, it is so important to understand colour, which intangibly influences our psyche. Colour is a dangerous manipulator, it can soothe, but it can also infuriate and discourage. As far as colour is concerned, we have no choice; we cannot remain indifferent, aloof, impassive. Sometimes it hits a raw nerve. Like red, when it is the passion of elation in pain, as it persistently excites, accelerates the pulse, rapidly raising the level of fear.
Keywords: film, film image, director of photography, colour, hue