New media are more than just the communication tools of the "global village". Due to their creative potential, they also form the foundation of contemporary creative existence and human coexistence. They allow one to shape objects, aesthetic ideas that in their form and content exceed the current framework of the aesthetic situation. The art of new (electronic) media is interactive art, based on the skills already acquired by the modern-day individual in the field of "virtual realis", and moves familiar abilities to the area of aesthetic pleasures. This art proves that the relationality present in everyday life (hypertexts, social media portals) constitutes the basic value of modern aesthetics, which abandons the synchronous reception of artifacts in favour of a diachronic view. That aesthetic breakthrough has been attributed, among others, to the recipient's subjectivity; he or she negotiates the meanings and refers them to the work. By means of active participation (interactivity) he or she enters into dialogue with the author and other recipients. In addition, the "launching" of the work belongs to the recipient-co-creator, without whom the work would not exist "to the end", it could not be perceived by others or exist anew. As a result of these changes, the author creates only the context within which the work "is put into motion". The main limit of experience for a work – an artistic event – is determined by the imagination and intention of the recipient.
Keywords: new media, interactivity, aesthetics, the art of new media