The notion of Enemy appears in the newspapers during the whole period of PRL. The only two factors were changing: the frequency of appearing and historical context. This work bases on content analysis of articles which were published in January of 1953 in "G?os Robotniczy" and "Dziennik ?ódzki". These papers are representative for that period of time. The! newspapers described typical events, characteristic of soc-realism period: so called "the struggle for trade", "the fight against speculators and kulaks" and revealed by government "spying scandals" and "plotting" of international imperialism. The Enemy is defined in negative way by degradation, depreciation, devaluation, sneering, humiliation, libel and irony. The Enemy is deprived of human dignity by using of linguistic, axiological and psycho-socio-technical means. The notion of Enemy who threatens the State and the Society was included into conspiracy theory of history. It led to the separation of Poland from the West and disintegrated the society. The most tragic form of this phenomenon were lawsuits and death of thousands of innocent people.