The aim of this article was to illustrate the way of description of modern culture, civilization and a spirit state of individual in radio-plays. Three radio-pays were taken into consideration including Andrzej Mularczyk's "Cyrk odjechał, lwy zostały" (directed by Janusz Kukuła), Tomasz Trojanowski's "Układanka" (directed by Waldemar Modestowicz) and Krzysztof Beśka's "Sponsor" (directed by Waldemar Modestowicz). The Authors of all of these radio-plays made an attempt to save the inner treasure of human kindness and his thoughtfulness with regard to other person. The radio's imagination theatres comprise different stories instead of moralizing. An ambitious radio art creates the world of values which are critical for existence of the current century. Because of that these exactly simple stories persuade us to think about fundamental matters and consequently to increase our watchfulness of thinking and searching the ways of escaping from chaos and loneliness.