The article concerns radio drama adaptation of the novel Aunt Julia and the Scriptwriter by Mario Vargas Llosa, directed by Andrzej Jarski. The novel's formal construction is highly precise and binary construction of the presented world is subordinate to the requirements of innovative "joint-vessels concept". The novel is a difficult material as far as radio drama adaptation is concerned. Accurate aesthetic shape of the Peruvian novelist's work is organized through the contact with the reader. The elements of the novel are consolidated in the reader's mind and the new quality is constituted. Andrzej Jarski succeeded in maintaining the complex poetics of the novel through undertaking a kind of a game with the reader, his perceptive habits and interpretative attempts. Skillfully setting the "traps" for the receiver evokes in his mind an effect similar to the synthesis made by the reader during reading the novel and is crucial for radio drama's success.