In the XXI century, the role of the media and their influence on social awareness in most of political, economic, cultural and social aspects is gradually rising. The article deals with the role of cooperation between public affairs officers and journalists during peace support operations. Public affairs services acting during operation are not a new element, but due to changing reality and growing role of the media in social life, their tasks are continuously evolving to adapt to new conditions. Public information area is an integral part of all actions conducted during contemporary conflicts. The article seeks answers to various questions such as: what is the evaluation of PA actions during the mission?; what is the type and quality of relations between journalists and PAOs?; what should be improved? Research conducted among Polish spokesmen, press officers and PAO staff as well as journalists participating in peace support operations allowed to draw many interesting conclusions concerning their tasks and role they play during mission as well as their level of preparation and relations with other elements of the military contingent.